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Recovering Scrap

Electronic Waste Statistics

By | September 24th, 2013|Recovering Scrap|0 Comments

  That electronic waste is bad for the environment is nothing new. But while we are all aware of our own personal contributions (or lack thereof) to the problem, it’s not often that we get to see how our own personal habits fit into the bigger picture. The following data was compiled by [...]

The W.Afate 3D Printer: “Made in Africa”

By | May 23rd, 2013|Recovering Scrap|0 Comments

by Amber Zhai From the first hackerspace in West Africa, WoeLab, a young Togolese designer named Afate wants to create a 3D printer “Made in Africa” out of the electronic scrap that is dumped into the region and bring 3D technology to the land, within reach of ordinary people in the community. From Recycling [...]

Various Ways to Recover Gold

By | February 15th, 2011|Recovering Scrap|0 Comments

With the buying price for gold reaching record highs, many people want to know how they can benefit from selling gold. It may sound difficult to know where to look, but those who are hoping to earn some money by selling gold will be pleased to know they do not have to go to the [...]