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So far admin has created 83 blog entries.

WEEE Directive Kicks European E-Recycling into Highest Gear Yet

By | July 2nd, 2012|Electronic Scrap Sales|0 Comments

As far as earth-friendly initiatives go, Europe should be praised for its collective efforts over the last few decades. In fact, seven out of the top ten most environmentally active countries in the world are European nations, including Switzerland at number one, Sweden at number two, and Norway, Finland, Austria, Latvia, and France in the [...]

Local Religious Organizations Call for Walmart to Recycle E-Waste

By | July 2nd, 2012|Electronic Scrap Sales|0 Comments

The United States discards 30 million computers every year.One area where it’s common to see people from completely different backgrounds and belief systems come together is in the realm of environmentalism. A perfect example is the recent upheaval over Walmart’s electronic waste recycling program…or lack thereof. In this instance, high-ranking church, synagogue, and temple leaders [...]

Cash for Electronic Scrap USA’s Computer Scrap Gift Guide

By | May 24th, 2012|Electronic Scrap Sales|0 Comments

If you’re like me and have built a relationship with your computer throughout the years, you might cringe at the thought of kicking it to the curb or throwing it into a recycling bin once it stops working. With the average lifespan of a CPU being somewhere around four years, you’ve probably had enough time [...]