photo by Tony Hisgett via Flickr.com
It’s clear that electronic scrap recycling is good for the environment—it keeps toxic chemicals out of landfills and allows us to reuse valuable precious metal resources that otherwise would have gone to waste after a single use. But there’s another benefit of e-scrap recycling that is generally under-recognized and under-appreciated: the economic value.
A new study by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) found that the electronic scrap recycling industry employs in excess of 460,000 people (137,980 direct, 324,800 indirect) and generates $10.3 billion in tax revenue for federal, state, and local governments in the US, which indicates an increase over a two-year period. In addition, the scrap recycling industry accounts for 0.55 percent of the nation’s total economic activity, which is on par with our forestry and fishing industries combined as well as nearly all of the professional sports teams in the US.
ISRI President Robin Wiener commented that “When people think of recycling, they think of the bin at the curb when in fact our industry is a multi-billion-dollar ‘Made in America’ manufacturing success story.”
Support The E-Scrap Recycling Industry
Cash for Electronic Scrap USA is proud to be a part of the electronic scrap recycling effort, contributing significantly to the US economy and supporting the betterment of the environment. It is our goal to make it easy for consumers to recycle their old and unwanted electronic equipment and devices—you simply fill out a form to receive a free shipping label, send us your e-scrap, and wait for your check in the mail. For more information on how to earn cash for electronic scrap, visit www.CashForElectronicScrapUSA.com today.